Practical Steps To Move On From Any Person


Cut them off completely from your Life

Accept that you are never getting back. If they did not care when you were with them, they will not bother about your absence from their life too.

Stop Bargaining with your mind. If you start making compromises in your 
mind, remember it will be against your values and emotions.

Constantly get into the debate when you start missing them. Start thinking logically.

Travel - Take trips to different locations and you will realize that there is so much of world to see that you are unknown about. Since your world has been revolving around that one person, travelling will help you look at the bigger picture which includes more meaningful things in life.

Make a list of all the things you disliked about your ex. Be honest.

Make a list of all the opportunities you lost because of the presence of that person.

Make a list of all the people you met in your life who were smart and genuine than your partner.

Join a Gym Today. Destroy self-hatred by self-betterment and motivate yourself with exercises.

Appreciate the people who are in your life and understand that all this while you have been engaged with someone who could make you feel loved. Appreciate the love around you from friends and family. Talk to your mother every day and feel loved.

Involve your Friends - Tell your friends to help you move on. There is no need to get emotional but give directions to them to help you when they see you are getting weak emotionally.

Let out your Pain - Whenever it helps you, let out your paint. Secure a corner and keep way from the phone before you feel like messaging that person. Find a spot and cry for as long as you want because there is nothing wrong with expressing yourself and venting out the emotions. You will feel relieved and kind of happy.

Don’t list to Romantic songs and get manipulated by emotional feeling unless it comes from inside.

Stop Talking about your ex by telling every person you met your tragic story. That way you will be refreshing the emotional pain and once those people will be gone you will be left behind thinking about your ex and feeling tortured.

Reconnect with people from your past and make efforts to meet new people. If you are at the workplace, strike a conversation with your colleagues and since they are just colleagues they will be talking about everything about world, gossips and other general things which will keep you away from thinking about an ex.

Keep yourself engaged when you are alone. Let’s say you are on your way to the office alone, instead of thinking about your recent relationship, read a book, listen to the podcast.

Distract yourself with some new celebrity crushes because as your mind knows what you feel about them is not real, it will keep your occupied. The reason behind this is to appreciate the beauty and come out of thoughts of your ex and understand that there is so much beauty around.

Accept the fact that you are addicted to this person. Just like other addicts, you need to recognize and accept the addiction of the disease and then take steps to conquer it.

No Smoking and Alcohol - Since you are dealing with stress, the second thing to control your feelings for many would be smoking and drinking. It’s going to ruin everything physically and mentally. The drinking and smoking gives you temporary satisfaction and will ruin your mental status more.

Watch TV Shows - Start watching interesting television shows based on reality. Comedy shows, animated shows, drama series, superheroes and much more. For six months if you follow this process, you will come out stable and refreshed.

Be Patient - Every time you start to feel anxious, start watching some comedy show, sleep, meet your friends or go for a run. Remember, no matter how strong your feelings are to move on you need to understand that you need to avoid doing that one stupid mistake of calling your ex. These are just mood swings and if you keep yourself engaged, they will pass too.

Take a pledge of changing your life and take it beyond your comfort zone. Write five target statements that you decide to achieve in next 12 months. For example, you will read 10 books, earn 10 lakhs per annum, a trip to Italy on your own money, be in your best shape. All for yourself to modify your personality not for the person who gave you pain.