
Showing posts from February, 2017

Practical Steps To Move On From Any Person

Goodbye Cut them off completely from your Life .  Accept that you are never getting back. If they did not care when you were with them, they will not bother about your absence from their life too. Stop Bargaining with your mind. If you start making compromises in your  mind, remember it will be against your values and emotions. Constantly get into the debate when you start missing them. Start thinking logically. Travel -  Take trips to different locations and you will realize that there is so much of world to see that you are unknown about. Since your world has been revolving around that one person, travelling will help you look at the bigger picture which includes more meaningful things in life. Make a list of all the things you disliked about your ex. Be honest. Make a list of all the opportunities you lost because of the presence of that person. Make a list of all the people you met in your life who were smart and ge